
A Perfectly Good Lyric: Part Two

A Perfectly Good Lyric: Part Two

“Musicals aren’t written – they’re rewritten.” I was living this old adage, as I worked on a rewrite of the last section of our song, “A Perfectly Good Umbrella.” I was working to remove the word, “insignificant” from an early line of the section, so as not to lessen the impact of the word when used in the final line of the same section.

In the rewriting process, I realized another fault of the lyric: it took too long to

A Perfectly Good Lyric: Part One

A Perfectly Good Lyric: Part One

I love great lyrics. I thrill to witty wordplay, internal rhymes, and alliteration. The cleverness of Sondheim excites me, the pure simplicity of Hammerstein fills my heart. I appreciate the skill and cleverness that goes into writing a perfect lyric. I have studied the craft of writing lyrics and know the basic rules to craft a good one. My goal is always to write the best lyric I can, and sometimes