Walt Disney World

Words To Sing

Words To Sing

Walt Disney World commercials used to make me cry.

“You just won the Super Bowl!,” the voiceover asked the beaming, sweaty quarterback, “What are you going to do NEXT?”

“I’m going to Disney World!”

And remember the two brothers packing their suitcase, with the

Yes, And ...

Yes, And ...

I’ve always hated doing improv. Whether in acting classes or on the speech and debate team, I always wanted the script ahead of time. I wanted to be able to memorize it, rehearse it, try different phrasing, different delivery styles, wanted to be sure of my lines and sure of myself. Put me on a stage with a bunch of comic geniuses and nothing more than a couple of prompts, and I froze in terror.

In life, I want a script, too. I’m a list-maker. And when life throws me a curve ball and something