Michael Laun

And The Winner Is...

And The Winner Is...

This week, the Tony Award Nominations will be announced, and the Tonys will be presented on Sunday June 10.  All the articles and hoopla of “awards season” has reminded me of other awards given out for theater, awards that while not in the same echelon as the Tonys, are nevertheless important. I’m talking about

Workshopping a Song - Part Two

Workshopping a Song - Part Two

A week or two later, Eric and I presented a re-write of our song, "Full Of Life," after considering the comments from our colleagues in the BMI Lehman Engel Musical Theatre Workshop. We had made the changes suggested, added a verse at the beginning to get us into the song, and took Maury's suggestion about the

A Perfectly Good Lyric: Part Two

A Perfectly Good Lyric: Part Two

“Musicals aren’t written – they’re rewritten.” I was living this old adage, as I worked on a rewrite of the last section of our song, “A Perfectly Good Umbrella.” I was working to remove the word, “insignificant” from an early line of the section, so as not to lessen the impact of the word when used in the final line of the same section.

In the rewriting process, I realized another fault of the lyric: it took too long to

Happiness is...

Happiness is...

One Sunday afternoon in February on the Main Stage of the Sacramento Theatre Company, the Young Professionals Conservatory was showing the final performance of their production of PIPPIN to a packed house. Across the courtyard in the black box theater, another audience was enjoying STC’s production of BARK! The Musical. Upstairs, a different cast and crew were in rehearsal for A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S DREAM. In the staff conference room, there was a meeting of the creative team for a new musical, about to launch a 2-day workshop and staged reading in preparation for